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The 中学 Day

During 中学, we look forward to guiding students as they make the journey from dependence to independence by providing many opportunities for them to develop self-confidence, 必要的技能, and a love of learning. Our curriculum exposes students to a multitude of opportunities to find balance in their lives through exposure to academics, 艺术, 和体育. 随着学生合作能力的发展,创新和创造性思维得到了促进, 计划, 和分析. 培养坚强的性格和荣誉感也是我们在圣安德鲁所做的核心.


School hours are 8:00 am - 3:15 pm (except Wednesday; 2:15 pm dismissal). 我们的日程安排分为八个部分,每天有四个会议. 学生被分配到每天早上开会的顾问组. 中学 classes take place on an alternating “A” and “B” day schedule with each lettered day meeting five times every ten days.

All students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will take English, 社会研究, a language (Chinese, 法语或西班牙语), 数学, 科学, and physical and heatlh education. Each student will also select one performing arts class. 此外,学生还将参加一个学期的设计和视觉艺术课程.


每年, 学生被分配到一个顾问组,顾问组由同一年级的学生组成. Each advisory group is assigned a 中学 faculty advisor and are most often groups of ten to fourteen students. 导师很了解他们的学生,并为他们的学生辩护. 家长/监护人应放心地与孩子的顾问联系,提出问题或疑虑.

Advisory, Chapel, and Assembly

Each week on Mondays during the advisory block, all students either participate in check-in meetings with their advisor or work 独立的ly on pending assignments in the subject of their choice. 他们还被鼓励带一本书来“宁可读书”. 

周二, students use the advisory block to attend an assembly session designed to address topics that are pertinent to 中学 students' social-emotional development and which often build upon the topics covered during the weekly advisory lessons. 

Each Thursday, all students attend chapel sessions. 

On Fridays, advisory lessons take place during the advisory block. Topics that will be covered in these classes may include, but are not limited to: orientation to the 中学, preparation for high school, healthy relationships, 来自同辈的压力, 健康的选择, 正念, 成长心态, personal development, sensitivity training, 语言的力量, stereotypes of society, and other topics that are developmentally-appropriate. 



圣安德鲁中学的宗教生活深深植根于学校的圣公会身份. As an Episcopal school, Saint Andrew’s offers a welcoming and affirming environment where students can grow in their individual faith journeys. 圣安德鲁将圣公会传统作为宗教体验的典范, while simultaneously lifting up other religious traditions. 


  • Religious Curriculum -  The 社会研究 program is organized to encourage integration with topics associated with the Bible, world religions and/or ethics  

  • 礼拜堂——整个中学每周四都有时间进行社区礼拜. 礼拜堂是最清楚地表达圣公会传统的习俗和价值观的时候. 学生 of all faith backgrounds are able to participate. Chapel programs vary and often feature guest speakers. They also incorporate school ceremonies, such as Honor Pinning, and celebrations of religious holidays.

  • Chaplaincy - The Chaplain coordinates chapel and organizes extracurricular student groups such as the Christian Fellowship and the Jewish Forum. 牧师是提供给所有信仰背景的学生,以支持他们的个人精神需求.


There are five sessions of 中学 athletics with approximately thirty teams composed solely of 中学 students. 而安全, 空间的限制, and player development may limit team size, the athletic department and its coaches work with determination to involve as many 中学 student athletes as possible.

中学 interscholastic athletic teams usually begin practice at the end of the academic day but practice times may vary according to the sport. 虽然大多数球队在周一到周四训练,但有些球队也在周五训练. 所有中学和高中的运动时间表都公布在伟德国际的网站上.

社区 and Service

The action component of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) can involve service to fellow students and to the wider community. 这可以在教室和学校内外进行,可以满足真实的需求, 成为有意义的服务-与人合作而不是为他们工作. Through such service, students are able to grow both personally and socially, developing skills such as collaboration, 合作, 解决问题, conflict resolution, and creative and critical thinking. These actions are ways in which the students exhibit their commitment to the attributes of the IB Learner Profile.

学生, faculty, and staff at Saint Andrew’s strive to embody the IB Learner Profile Attributes to develop into internationally-minded people who, 认识到他们共同的人性和共同的地球守护者, help to create a better and more peaceful world. 为了实现这些目标,学校在服务方面有三个期望.  

Service Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Through service learning, 年轻人用他们在课堂上学到的东西来解决现实生活中的问题. They not only learn the practical applications of their studies, 通过他们的服务,他们成为积极贡献的公民和社区成员.

Advisory Service Projects 

每个咨询小组将采用一项服务计划,并在全年提供支持. 学生将以学习为目的与更广泛的社区建立联系, 帮助, and supporting those in need. Each advisory group will form an affiliation with a local agency, past examples of which include Boca Helping Hands, 佛罗伦萨富勒, 和梅·沃伦. 学生将与他们的顾问一起计划一个有意义的服务体验. 

Individual Service Projects 

It is expected that every student will make an individual commitment to provide service to the community in some manner. 学生 may volunteer in a consistent manner in the community or become involved with an issue with an international focus. They may also choose to take on an advocacy role. 顾问教师将协助学生确定对本服务项目感兴趣的领域.

学生 have the opportunity to earn the Presidential Volunteer Service Award through the Corporation for National and 社区 Service. 这 program will facilitate a connection between students and others in the community who may have needs that can be fulfilled through age-appropriate service. 学生 have the opportunity to set personal goals to earn a certain number of hours within a specified time period from December 1 through November 31. 获得此奖项所需的最少学时为50学时,额外级别为:

  • Bronze Award  50 - 74 hours

  • Silver Award  75 - 99 hours

  • Gold Award  100+ hours

Grade 8 社区 Project 

The three years of MYP instruction culminates in grade 8 with a community project that develops awareness of needs in various communities and addresses them through service learning. The community project engages students in sustained, in-depth inquiry that leads to service as action. 学生将调查,计划,采取行动,然后反思他们的项目. The 社区 Project is coordinated through advisory classes. 


Throughout the school year, 校外实地考察是丰富学生学习经验的一种方式. 实地考察被认为是课程的一部分,因此,学生应该参加. 根据旅行的不同,家庭可能要承担一些额外的费用.  

每个年级还计划一次三到四天的过夜旅行. Participation is expected on the extended trips and exceptions must be discussed with the head of the 中学. 无法参加年级级别旅行的学生将被要求参加当地的旅行, day trips in place of the overnight trip. 

当学生们参加学校组织的日间或夜间旅行时, they will be viewed as ambassadors of Saint Andrew’s School; therefore, they are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that benefits that position and reflects well upon the institution and the student. As a participant of either domestic or international field trips, 学生要明白,他们仍然被视为圣安德鲁的学生. 像这样, they are required to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in the Saint Andrew’s School 中学 Handbook, including the Student Code of Conduct and Honor Code, as well as the local laws of the location of the trip.

中学 Theatre Production

每年,中学都会为六年级、七年级和八年级的学生举办戏剧演出. 试镜通常在冬季演出前几个月举行. 虽然我们会尽一切努力围绕其他任务安排早期排练, during the three weeks prior to the musical, a more intensive rehearsal schedule requires full cast participation. 


The goal of the 圆形广场 is to blend leadership, 学校精神, and positive social interaction among students. 学生有很多机会发展和展示领导能力.  The IDEALS of the 圆形广场 programs at Saint Andrew’s are to focus on developing each child’s potential by creating a sense of internationalism, universal democracy, environmental action, 冒险精神, and leadership and service to the community and beyond. These guiding principles are designed to prepare students for the challenges that will welcome them as adults in the globalized world.  所有学生都有机会在上学前参加RSLAC组织的会议.  

圆形广场 Conference and Travel Opportunities 

圆广场经常组织一次“美洲会议”,由其中一所成员学校主办. 偶尔,圆广场的学生被邀请参加一个国际会议.  Participation gives us the opportunity to meet students from schools around the world with whom they can make meaningful connections. 这些联系可能会带来与其他成员学校交流的机会. Typically the school hosts students from several other 圆形广场 schools and schools reciprocate by hosting Saint Andrew’s students. 学生 from 圆形广场 Schools are also offered opportunities to participate in extended field trips when this is possible.  

在可能的情况下, 圆广场的成员学校邀请数量有限的学生参加以文化为重点的旅行, service and adventure.  作为回报,学校为其他学校提供参加旅行的机会.  Opportunities are sometimes limited due to the size of the host group.

Student Leadership Council

The 中学 Student Leadership Council provides students with the opportunity to serve as leaders of their peers in the 中学. Members represent their classmates and work with the faculty advisors to address topics that are of importance to the students. 会员们还加强了荣誉守则和包含在荣誉誓词中的核心信息. They have the opportunity to participate in school events and contribute content to the “Scots Times” student bulletin. 成员申请并由管理人员与教师顾问合作选择.


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